Alterconf London - all about that access

Last Saturday I had the joy of spending the day at London’s very first Alterconf held at King (they of Candy Crush fame). The travelling conference series “works toward a more inclusive future” by providing space for marginalised people in technology and gaming and amplifying their voices.

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Testing, testing, TDD

Last weekend I dipped my toes into the world of Test Driven Development (TDD). Knowing that this would be a big part of the course at Makers, I knew I’d have to get my head around it eventually - my only prior experience being the pre-written tests that appear in Codewars kata.

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It's all a few months

Humans don’t always learn from patterns. Many of us end falling in the same cycles without ever getting wise and changing our behaviour - this has been true for my attempts to learn how to code. I’d really get into the swing of things and make a lot of progress but as surely as Spring follows Winter, every few months I would find myself completely and utterly absorbed in a work project leaving me without the time or energy to work on anything coding-related. This could be months, and I would return to my laptop, deflated, and unable to remember how to access a hash. So I finally bit the bullet. In a few months I’ll be leaving my job and starting a three-month bootcamp at Makers Academy.

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Deployed! (and Unemployed)

Despite toying around with HTML and CSS for years now, I’d ever actually built and deployed a website. Until now! A very sudden change in circumstances led me to finally finish building and deploying my personal website. That change in circumstance? I was made redundant.

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Potential redundancy and Brighton Ruby

I’ve found myself in the rather odd situation of having a lot of time to dedicate to coding. My company has decided that they might need to make me redundant but in the meantime, I’m on paid leave. A blessing in disguise perhaps.

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Sleepy, frustrated and defeated by Ruby

I say defeated by Ruby, that’s not quite correct. I’m yet to reach a stage where I could be defeated by Ruby as I have struck a wall installing it on my computer. I was following this Codemy video to a t, but it all went wrong when I saw three numbers; 2.0.0. Specifically:

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And so it begins (again)

This is far from the beginning of my coding journey. It all began a few ago when I made an attempt the teach myself html and css through Codecademy, and then, simply, stopped.

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